Important Reasons Why You Must Microchip Your Pet
September 3, 2020 by Lost Found Rewards in Blog

Important Reasons Why You Must Microchip Your Pet

Microchip Your Pet: Benefits of Doing So

A microchip is a permanent way of identifying your pet electronically. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and it will not hurt your pet.

However, there have been claims lately that a microchip is useless and undetectable. Of course, it’s not true, but this makes some people wonder if they must have another microchip.

Having said that, there are still enough good reasons why putting a microchip on your pet is necessary.


1. Microchip Gives You Peace of Mind

If you are thinking about how a microchip can give you peace of mind, then here is the truth. You can allow your pet to roam around in your backyard and give them more space. That is because you do not have to worry about not ever finding your pets when they get lost. Friendly pets can easily attract strangers because they do not show aggression or fear towards them.

Since your pet cannot talk on their own, your microchip can give you information on where your pet went all day. You can track them down and take them home in case they get lost.


2. Some Places Require it

In some places, they have made microchipping mandatory for all pets. For instance, there are countries that require you to have your pet microchipped once they are 12 weeks old. In other countries, you have to do it before selling or putting your pets up for adoption. In case you got your pet from a reputable centre, breeder, or person, it could mean that your pet already has a microchip.

If you do not comply, you might be issued a penalty which you will regret paying if only you followed the rules. This is why you must make sure that before you get a pet, you must be ready to microchip them.


3. Vacations are Easier When Your Pet has a Microchip

Even if it is exciting to travel with your pet, your friend might get lost or run away because they are in a confusing environment. If your pet has a microchip, you can find the information on their whereabouts right away. This is a simple process. If the manufacturer of the microchip belongs to a division of any animal hospital association, your contact details will come up on the computer once the microchip is scanned. If it does not, there is nothing to worry about because the brand manufacturer will come up and they will contact the organization. They can easily get your information from there.


4. It Prevents Your Pet from Being Put Up for Adoption

Most people think that all rescue animals are abandoned, which is not always true.
In case your pet gets lost and they cannot find a way to reunite him with you, the pet must be taken somewhere. After seven days, your pet can be transferred to a rehoming centre. If your pet does not have any identification, your pet might be rehomed. This is heartbreaking because you lost your pet just because they cannot identify it. It can also break your pet’s heart when they will never be reunited with you.

Therefore, you must microchip your pet so people can find a way to bring him back to you.

Important Reasons Why You Must Microchip Your Pet


5. Microchipping can Save Your Pet’s Life

If your pet is taking medication so they can stay happy and healthy every day, it will be nice to know that they receive it every day.

However, if your pet gets lost and there is no microchip to be found, it will be very hard to give him back to you. Your pet will stop receiving his care and medication, and the person who finds him will not know what your pet needs.

When you find your pet right away, he can continue with his recovery or medication. There are some databases that let you store medical information about your pet. You do not want to risk not putting a microchip on your pet because it can save their life in the long-run.

Pets deserve to be treated with lots of love and care. By taking note of the reasons mentioned above on why you must microchip your pet, you will want to do it today. You must contact Lost Found Rewards in case you find a missing pet or if you are looking for your pet.